This is my prayer in this season of my life. Although these words are not my own, they ring true in my soul as I rise each morning with this restlessness and aching for change. I ask that you pray this prayer with us as we figure out what our next steps are.
"Lord, help me now to unclutter my life, to organize myself in the direction of simplicity. Lord, teach me to listen to my heart; teach me to welcome change, instead of fearing it. Lord, I give you these stirrings inside me. I give you my discontent. I give you my restlessness. I give you my doubt. I give you my despair. I give you all the longings I hold inside. Help me to listen to these signs of change, of growth; help me to listen seriously and follow where they lead through the breathtaking empty space of an open door." [Common Prayer - A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals]