Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Love & Marriage

Today marks the anniversary of our second year of marriage. I dedicate this post to my husband.

The past two years have been an incredible journey for us. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to share my life with. I have come up with a list of things I love about being married to you.

  • Two years of fighting over the covers at night and waking up next to you each morning.
  • All the time we have spent dreaming and planning together.
  • Our ongoing discussion about which food has more uses: the potato or the tomato.
  • Watching you cook.
  • All of our friends in Seattle, Scranton, Pawnee, and all across the television world.
  • All of our road trips to see our real friends in Indianapolis, Pennsylvania, Evansville, South Carolina, Bloomington, etc.
  • Raising Tuna Charlie with you!
  • Watching our niece grow up.
  • Fortnight Fort Night.
  • Law & Order SVU marathons.
  • Our walks downtown.
  • Our trip to Ireland and our many adventures there.
  • Two crazy, stressful, incredible, and exhausting July's of Ulster Project - and one on the way!
  • Watching you step up and grow as a leader.
  • Dressing up as Shrek and Fiona.
  • Whitewater rafting with you on our anniversary last year (and watching you save my parents when they both fell out into the rapids!!)
There are too many memories to list on this page, and hopefully many more to come. Happy anniversary, habibti!